How feature-rich Mageplaza SEO extension compared to other providers?
Nowadays, people rely on search engines to find solutions to their problems or answers to their questions. Before buying something, customers won’t jump in your store immediately; instead, they’ll search for products/services like yours on search engines like Google.
However, you may not be the only one to give them the solutions/answers they want in the market. If you search a random keyword on Google, you’ll see a huge number of responses.
So, if you want to catch their attention, you need SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to get your site ranked high. Once you realize the importance of SEO for your brand, you may wish to look for a way to do it best.
For Magento 2 stores, it’s vital to use an SEO extension. To help you choose the best provider, in this post, we’ll compare the SEO extension by Mageplaza, Amasty, and BSS Commerce. Let’s explore!