Tips for Magento 2 Product Pages and Settings (Part 1)


6 min read

Avoid duplicate content

Don't let duplicate content hamper your Magento store's success. Here's why it matters and how to tackle it:

🔍 Unique variations: Many products come in different sizes, colors, or options. Instead of creating separate pages for each variation, ensure that their URLs and parameters differ. This prevents search engines from flagging them as duplicates.

🔗 Canonical tags: Implement canonical tags to specify the preferred URL version of your product pages. This signals search engines that they should treat variations as a single, authoritative page.

🏷️ Optimize meta tags: Craft unique meta titles and descriptions for each product variation. Avoid using the same titles, names, and links across duplicate pages. Stand out and make each variation compelling.

🔄 URL parameters: Handle URL parameters correctly. Use proper pagination tags and configure parameter handling in Google Search Console to avoid duplicate content issues.

🎯 Structured data: Leverage structured data markup, such as, to provide search engines with clear information about your products. This helps differentiate variations and enhances their visibility in search results.

🔧 Regular monitoring: Stay on top of crawl errors using tools like Google Search Console. Address any issues promptly to maintain a healthy site structure and ensure search engine reliability.

💡 Unique content: Invest in original, high-quality content for your product pages. Differentiate them by providing unique product descriptions, images, and customer reviews. This not only avoids duplicate content but also enhances user engagement.

🔀 Proper redirects: If you need to redirect duplicate URLs, use 301 redirects to point them to the canonical version. This consolidates link authority and ensures a seamless user experience.

Do keyword research

Choosing the right keywords is crucial for SEO success, but it can be challenging, especially for beginners. Thankfully, there are powerful tools available to simplify the process. Consider these two popular options:

1️⃣ Google Adwords Keyword Tool: This free tool from Google helps you discover relevant keywords and analyze their search volume and competition. It provides insights into keyword variations, related terms, and search trends, empowering you to make informed decisions.

2️⃣ This versatile keyword research tool offers a comprehensive range of keyword suggestions. It extracts data from various sources, including Google Autocomplete, ensuring you have an extensive list of potential keywords to target. It provides valuable insights into search volume, competition, and long-tail keywords.

By utilizing these tools, you can uncover valuable keyword opportunities and refine your SEO strategy. Here's how to make the most of them:

🔍 Explore keyword variations: Experiment with different keyword variations, including long-tail keywords, to target specific audience segments and capture more targeted traffic.

📈 Analyze search volume: Assess the search volume of keywords to identify popular search terms that align with your products or services. Focus on keywords that have a good balance of search volume and relevance.

🔎 Study keyword competition: Evaluate the competitiveness of keywords to determine if you can effectively rank for them. Look for keywords with manageable competition levels that align with your website's authority.

📊 Monitor search trends: Stay up to date with the latest search trends and consumer behavior. Identify emerging keywords or shifts in search patterns to adapt your SEO strategy accordingly.

🔧 Refine and optimize: Continuously analyze and refine your keyword strategy based on performance metrics and changes in search landscape. Optimize your website's content, meta tags, and product descriptions to target chosen keywords effectively.

Keyword-rich product names!

Product names play a crucial role in attracting customers to your Magento store. By incorporating relevant keywords, you can increase the chances of your products being discovered by potential buyers. Here's a suggestion for structuring your product names:

🔸 Brand name: Start with the brand name to establish credibility and recognition. For example, "Zara white long sleeves shirt."

🔸 Short description: Follow the brand name with a short description that highlights key features or characteristics. For instance, "Zara white long sleeves shirt."

🔸 Product name: Conclude with a clear and specific product name that captures the essence of the item. For example, "Zara white long sleeves shirt."

These tips for optimizing your product names:

🎯 Focus on relevance: Choose keywords that accurately reflect the product and match what customers are likely to search for. Be specific and concise.

🔍 Research customer intent: Understand your target audience's needs and preferences. Conduct keyword research to identify commonly searched terms in your niche.

💡 Balance creativity and clarity: While it's important to be creative and stand out, prioritize clarity and simplicity in your product names. Make it easy for customers to understand what the product is and what it offers.

📊 Monitor performance: Regularly analyze the performance of your product names. Adjust and refine them based on customer engagement, conversion rates, and SEO metrics.

Optimize Meta titles and descriptions

Meta titles and descriptions are crucial elements for search engine optimization (SEO) as they provide important signals to search engines about the content of your Magento product pages. To make the most of them, keep the following tips in mind:

1️⃣ Visit Products -> Catalog -> Select Product: Access the admin panel of your Magento store and navigate to the desired product page to edit the Meta titles and descriptions.

2️⃣ Be concise and clear: Craft Meta titles and descriptions that accurately summarize the content of the product page. Keep them short and to the point.

3️⃣ Ideal length: Aim for Meta descriptions between 150 to 160 characters and Meta titles around 55 characters. This helps ensure they are fully displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract users' attention.

4️⃣ Include relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the Meta titles and descriptions to improve search engine visibility. However, avoid keyword stuffing and focus on creating compelling and meaningful descriptions.

5️⃣ Unique for each page: Ensure that each product page has a unique Meta title and description. This helps search engines distinguish between different pages and provides users with accurate information.

6️⃣ Engage users: Craft enticing Meta descriptions that entice users to click through to your product page. Highlight key features, benefits, or unique selling points to capture their interest.

7️⃣ Regular review and optimization: Regularly review the performance of your Meta titles and descriptions. Monitor click-through rates and make adjustments as needed to improve engagement and search visibility.

User-friendly product page URLs

Optimizing your product page URLs can significantly impact the visibility and accessibility of your Magento store. Here's how to make them SEO-friendly:

1️⃣ Access "Search Engine Optimization" tab: In Magento 2, navigate to the product page and locate the "Search Engine Optimization" tab.

2️⃣ Insert values in "URL Key": Customize the URL by inserting relevant values in the "URL Key" field. Opt for descriptive terms that accurately represent the product.

3️⃣ Keep it concise and clear: Craft URLs that are concise, meaningful, and easy to understand. Avoid lengthy or convoluted URLs that may confuse users or search engines.

4️⃣ Include relevant keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the URL to enhance search engine visibility. However, prioritize readability and user-friendliness over keyword stuffing.

5️⃣ Use hyphens for word separation: Separate words in the URL with hyphens (-) to improve readability and make it easier for search engines to interpret.

6️⃣ Avoid special characters and spaces: Eliminate special characters, symbols, and spaces from the URL. Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens to maintain URL consistency and compatibility.

7️⃣ Enable URL rewrites: Magento provides URL rewrite functionality to create search engine-friendly URLs. Ensure that URL rewriting is enabled in the system configuration for better SEO results.

8️⃣ Implement redirects for URL changes: If you make changes to existing URLs, set up proper redirects (301 redirects) to ensure a seamless user experience and preserve search engine rankings.